Friday, July 8, 2011

Life is Good...and so was today!!!

So Tara has been super busy at MUSC and I've been trying to help by doing things around the house. Well this week I've cleaned and went grocery shopping. I did laundry and few other small things to keep busy. I've also been applying for jobs but haven't heard anything. I don't start grad scholl until the end of August. So I've been going a little stir crazy. Decided I may do a marathon in Dec. followed by another in Jan. So I wanted to get a base level of running but the other day I strained my calf and it really hurts to run, so instead I've been walking the dogs for a few miles just to get some kind of cardio in for a workout. So today I woke up and took the dogs for about a 3 mile walk. I then got my lift on doing a little P90X shoulders and arms. Then I decided to head out to Folly Beach because I was stir crazy and Tara was supposed to be at MUSC until after 8pm. So I hit the waves with a body board that David Brown was nice enough to leave with us while they are in Kenya. So I was out in the water for about 3 hours and the waves were really nice. I had so much fun. I saw some guys surfing and I'm really looking forward to finding one and learning. But until then the body board will do! Then I got a message from Tara and she didn't have to work late. So I came home and we went for a couple mile hike before making grilled chicken for salad for dinner. I love it when she's home because even if we aren't doing anything she's still here and I don't feel alone and stir crazy. I'll be glad when she is off this rotation and doesn't have to be at the hospital all the time. Anyway the moral of the story is good....and so was today!


At July 8, 2011 at 5:00 PM , Blogger T@R@ said...

I love being home with you too....wish it were more often! Thanks so much for all your help around the are amazing!


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